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Catherine Hsu was born in 1999 in Hsinchu, Taiwan and began her artistic career in ink, pen, and watercolor, oil and acrylic painting, collage, and other mediums. In recent work, Hsu has explored more digital forms of artmaking. In her work, she often covers salient political topics and analyzes the human condition, often through a psychological lens and by invoking audience interaction. In college, Hsu has worked on publications such as Berkeley Political Review and The Daily Californian and has been a part of exhibits in Berkeley and at the Tech Museum of Innovation in San Jose. Hsu is currently pursuing degrees in Art Practice and Political Science at University of California, Berkeley and will receive her B.A. in May 2021.

App icon for the project, with the illustration taken from a scene in the introduction animation.

App icon for the project, with the illustration taken from a scene in the introduction animation.

Artist Statement:


.In the current moment, our computer screens have become both an outlet and a prison as we sit at our desks for hours a day to peek at an outside world now out of reach. Many of us, despite growing up in the digital age, were unprepared for the onslaught of monotony.


This project seeks to reimagine the mundane life of a student through tasks one might do in a single day, from eating breakfast to doing homework. By altering scale, using bright colors, and playing around with how we regularly interact with commonplace objects, I seek to create a space that may be physically confined in form but allow for movement and thought in content in a project that all takes place in a virtual world that is essentially limitless.


The pandemic has been hard on many people, but at the same time, I would be remiss if I didn’t acknowledge the abundance of memes that have come out of this situation; I wanted to incorporate some of that humor and light-heartedness that we all rallied around into my work while simply exploring a digital format I had never done before.

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