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Kelly Cheah - Global Warming climate change

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"Protect Our Forest"

Wing Yee “Kelly” Cheah was born in 1996 in Hong Kong. She will receive her B.A in Art Practice at University of California at Berkeley in Spring 2021. Cheah works in different mediums. Her works included digital drawings using Adobe programs, traditional drawings with charcoal, ink, and pencils, and paintings with acrylic and oil. She is interested in illustration, graphic design and UX/UI design, and she gets inspiration from daily life objects around her.

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"Save Our Water"

Artist Statement:


“Global Warming Climate Change” is a series of posters showing what happened in the world that caused global warming. There are many wildfires happened in California these years, which I got inspiration from, and I decided to make the series of poster about global warming. Global warming is caused by many factors, and one of them is high temperature. For this work’s content, it is about global warming due to high temperature causing wildfires, drought, Antarctica melts, and flooding. Each poster is going to relate the effect of climate change, and it gives out a message to audience that the world is in danger. I created this work in digital and created an Instagram ( campaign, so that I could share it around the world.

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"Protect Antarctica"

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"Be Flood Aware"

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